Author: Aaron D. Vail

We are all going to die

We are all going to die Benjamin Franklin said that the only thing to be certain of is Death and Taxes. I disagree. Taxes are not certain. When a government changes by revolution, taxes are not certain. But Death is

My Testimony

My Testimony      Growing up I had always saw that there are generally 3 sides to an individual. They were emotional, mental, and physical. Emotional tied to matters of the heart examples being love, hate, like, trust and such. Mental

History Of

History Of was registered on May 12th, 2001. The most common question I get is, “What is for?” Well there is no way to truly describe what it is. It has started out simple as a learning

Social Commerce

Social Commerce What is Social Commerce and what does it mean for you. The social part of the concept is nothing new. It’s probably as old as time. It happens everyday, every hour, every minute, and even every second. And

Setting Up Google Analytics

Setting Up Google Analytics Setting up Google Analytics is relatively straight forward. Start by visiting Google Analytics. It will look similar to this. click on Create an Account. If you already have a Google Account, great. Simply log in with

Tracking Site Popularity

Tracking Site Popularity So now that SEO is setup, and now it’s time for tracking site popularity. There are two tools I recommend, JetPack for WordPress and Google Analytics. Both of them offer some very useful information. With the JetPack

WordPress SEO Settings

WordPress SEO Settings I have found it easier to do WordPress SEO Settings as apposed to what I have tried in Joomla. Granted my understanding of SEO (which stands for Search Engine Optimization) is pretty limited at best. A simple


Revamped Yes, I have revamped again. I guess I love tweaking the server to get maximum performance out of it. My latest big change was to convert my main WordPress site to a multisite configuration. Mainly for plugin and theme

Software Licensing Policies

Software Licensing Policies I have run into a number of software licensing policies. Some good, some bad, and some just downright frustrating. Here I am going to express my views on various policies, and of course this is open for

My Business Beliefs & Tae-Kwon Leep

This is about my business beliefs & Tae-Kwon Leep OK. I am involved in multiple Direct Sales Businesses, mainly AdvoCare and Solavei. I am looking into other opportunities as well. I am looking at generating at least my income level

Trying to understand SEO open for comments

Trying to understand SEO open for comments I am trying to understand SEO, and this discussion is open for comments.For those of you that don’t know, SEO is Search Engine Optimization. Basically, when Al Gore created the internet, search engines

WordPress vs. Joomla

I’m going to start this with a little background. In the year 2000, I had set up a little lab at home running on a few Compaq Deskpro 6000’s. They were running Windows 2000 Server with IIS. At the time,

My Current VoIP setup

Well currently I am running PBX in a flash on an stock Dell Dimension 3000. I’ve added the following components: Incredible PBX 3 Incredible Fax 2 Sugar CRM and ddclient (for dyndns registration) I currently have only softphones for

New Job

New Job Well it is official (or at least it has been for two weeks now). I am no longer working at the warehouse club. I have a new job as an Operations Support Analyst. The pay is almost four
